
Participate 4 - Digital Health

This calendar shows how I made appointments to modify my technological habits. I included breaks where I readjust my posture and engage in light exercise. It is important that you schedule these events into your day by using a tangible or visual reminder like a calendar. This will cause you to think more often about maintaining the right blend of technology and well-being. This is proactive. Students and teachers should remember to practice these positive habits on a daily basis to become more productive and healthy. A mind can only concentrate so long on a computer while maintaining maximum focus. A body needs to move to maintain fitness. Using these strategies as depicted on the calendar can help in maintaining good health and while getting the most from technology.

Participate 4 - Digital Safety and Security

Participate 4- Digital Safety and Security Podcast Stay safe Don't give out personal information, engage in bullying, or make yourself susceptible to theft. Tell someone!

Participate 4 - Digital Rights and Responsibilities

In order to ensure that citizens within a digital learning community (DLC) have access to a safe environment where an Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) protects members and their interests a couple of things need to take place. A DLC needs to have its members protected by an AUP that ensure safe and ethical resources and learning opportunities, that ensures that members uphold laws in a cooperative collective. This ideal can only be ensured if the entirety of the digital community embraces and enforces the terms of the AUP. Administrators need to ensure that resources do not direct students to online content that is unsafe. Students must make sure that they uphold the terms of the policy and make sure not to bring materials into the DLC that would be contrary to the terms of the policy like publishing copy-written materials . Also, they must make sure that they are maintaining the proper respect or etiquette while in the DLC. Often times, hurt feelings and misunderstanding of proper eti

Participate 3- Digital Resources and Netiquette

Netiquette Podcast Follow the Link to the Netiquette podcast! Do's and Don'ts Ex: Do: Stay on Topic; Show Respect; Try answering your own question first Don't: Name Call; Type in all capital letters; Hold a grudge

Participate 3- Accessing Digital Learning Communities

As wonderful as the internet is, as many opportunities that the internet provides our society, there are many barriers to the internet. The main barriers that might impede students' opportunities to access digital learning include access and ability. Although we live in a world that has wireless networks everywhere, a world were some of our simplest devices also have internet capability, there are people who do not have enough access to the internet to fully engage in digital learning due to socio-economic and regional limitations. There are still places in the United States that do not have access to the internet. Broadband connection within communities is very important to a persons ability to access learning online. Not only does lack of broadband connection limit a student's ability to access digital learning, but this lack of access also impedes on that student's digital literacy. Students with disabilities also have a world of trouble when it comes to a

Participate 2- Collecting Reputable Digital Resources

Bookmarked Digital Resources The most useful tools or resources resulting from my web walkabout were the following: Project On National Science Foundation Edutopia video library Students can identify tools and resources, like that of my walkabout, by applying a knowledge and referral process. Applying this process can be made easy by following simple processes and procedures. By using knowledge of reputable resources you can find safe ones by: 1) understanding the domain naming system, 2) using add-ons like Stopbadware to block harmful sites, 3) Use Web of Trust to learn about the reputable sites only, 4) and remembering strategies like   relevance, authority, credibility, and accuracy of websites when browsing.  

Participate 1 - Ideal Digital Learning Communities

An ideal DLC needs to have a couple of important qualities. I needs to be free, collaborative, accessible, interactive, and feedback driven to name a few. In order to bring this vision to fruition you need to find a DLC or create one that allows all of these elements to take place in the same space in a easy to use and visually appealing way. It isn't good enough to have to a place for student to learn that constantly asks them to leave the site to complete assignments. The DLC shouldn't be a bookmarking site. In order to make an existing DLC more attractive, DLC's must be sites that learn and grow with the class. The DLC should have resources that are easily available to the classroom and teacher. These resources should always be growing and changing based on the nature of the class.