Participate 4 - Digital Rights and Responsibilities

In order to ensure that citizens within a digital learning community (DLC) have access to a safe environment where an Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) protects members and their interests a couple of things need to take place. A DLC needs to have its members protected by an AUP that ensure safe and ethical resources and learning opportunities, that ensures that members uphold laws in a cooperative collective. This ideal can only be ensured if the entirety of the digital community embraces and enforces the terms of the AUP. Administrators need to ensure that resources do not direct students to online content that is unsafe. Students must make sure that they uphold the terms of the policy and make sure not to bring materials into the DLC that would be contrary to the terms of the policy like publishing copy-written materials . Also, they must make sure that they are maintaining the proper respect or etiquette while in the DLC. Often times, hurt feelings and misunderstanding of proper etiquette can lead to cyberbullying and other violations to the AUP.

The best way to establish and maintain a flourishing DLC where citizens understand, observe, and are inclined to willingly support and ultimately benefit from Digital Rights and Responsibilities is by defining and modeling appropriate behavior within the DLC. Members of the DLC must be able to self-monitor their behaviors. Admins can establish a safe learning environment as well as provide examples for positive behavior and set reminders. Yet, a DLC will be able to flourish most when its member self-monitor their behaviors and model appropriate etiquette while interacting with the DLC. This includes appropriate correction and praise.


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